Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Family Trip

We just took about 1 hour to reach Tanjung Sepat to have our lunch there.

just can show you this because I too hungry and forgot to take picture...hehhe
the food here is quite nice and affordable

this is 'qing ren qiao(情人桥)' as you can see all the fishmongers take the fishes over here

after that, we went to Pantai Sepang Putra

can you see the houses there??

this is the houses that still in the process~~nice...

handsome guy~~vomiting hahahha

my youngest sister

can't open ours eye
we ask the icecream uncle to take this picture if we buy the icecream from him...>.< !

can you see what is this??
is crab!!
cute, right??

he don't want to piggyback me~~sad...


can you see my brother there??
with the kite

This is the day that I always think about it during my exam period. lovely dad!!


Anonymous said...

tan wan inn steal my sunglasses without permission!!!

WiNN said...

i knw who r u~~~
the sunglasses looks nicer on me....but not you~~hehehhehehe
